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Conditions for Full Reopening according to San Diego Unified School District

Updated: Aug 18, 2020

San Diego County was removed Tuesday, August 18th 2020 from the State's Monitoring List , and the 14-day period for schools to reopen could begin. The number of community outbreaks remains above the trigger of 7 or more in 7 days. A community setting outbreak is defined as 3 or more COVID-19 cases in a setting and in people of different households.

State criteria

  • 14-day case rate of <100/100,000; Measured using date of illness onset with a 3-day lag County = calculated with County of San Diego data State

  • Testing positivity rate of <8% of positive tests as a percent of total tests, measured using specimen collection date in a 7-day period with a 7-day lag

  • Less than 10% increase in the average number of confirmed COVID-19 patients hospitalized

  • Availability of >20% of staffed ICU beds and of >25% of ventilators

Additional (primarily County) criteria

  • Fewer than 7 outbreaks over a 7-day period

  • More than 70% of investigations are initiated within 24 hours of notification of a positive case (also over a 7-day period)

  • Contact tracers make a first contact attempt for more than 70% of close contacts of new positive cases within 24 hours of identification

  • Community Outbreaks: Fewer than seven new outbreaks in community settings in a 7-day period

  • Downward trajectory of influenza-like illnesses and COVID-like illness reported within a 14-day period

  • Hospital Capacity: Less than 80% capacity for all hospital beds in the county

  • PPE Supply: more than 50% of hospitals have at least a 22-day supply of PPE

  • Homeless Population: Temporary shelter available for more than 15% of homeless population 

School infrastructure and supplies

  • All adults and children in school buildings wear a face covering or mask, unless eating, or the person is alone in a room

  • Face shields, disposable gloves and gowns provided for those who have anticipated contact with stool, urine, saliva, blood of students

  • For health office staff who are assessing and managing with students with symptoms, they will be given surgical-style masks and face shields (and with fit-tested N95 masks, as available in community), as per Cal-OSHA regulations

  • Rooms that do not have good natural ventilation and no MERV 13 filter in the HVAC system equipped with portable air cleaners, with proper ‘clean air delivery rate’ (CADR)

  • All public spaces reconfigured to allow for physical distancing measures, including appropriate signage and barriers as needed

  • Isolation areas for students, staff with symptoms to await ride home

  • Restrooms marked outside of entry for the maximum number of users

  • Ample supplies of disinfectant to provide for daily cleaning of handrails on stairs, ramps, and all items in classrooms and touchable objects throughout

  • Ample supplies of hand sanitizers, sinks and/or handwashing stations placed strategically on campus and administrative buildings

  • Training materials tailored for parents, staff and students on safety protocols

  • No-touch thermometers for screening



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