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STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Math)

Why should we care about STEM/STEAM education?

Click here for compelling information from US CEOs about the STEM skills gap in our country.  STEAM is STEM with the addition of Arts education, which supports collaboration and innovation.    


The LJCA STEAM Committee has the following goals:  

  • Help students develop problem-solving, critical thinking skills and innovation abilities

  • Increase STEAM awareness, interest and engagement among students and educators

  • Expand access to STEAM through hands-on learning experiences for students and professional development for teachers 

  • Increase the number of students who pursue STEAM careers



For GENERAL RESOURCES and INFORMATION about STEAM, click here (or select GENERAL RESOURCES from the STEAM menu).

For STEAM opportunites for EDUCATORS, click here (or select FOR EDUCATORS from the STEAM menu). 

For STEAM opportunities for HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS, click here (or select FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS from the STEAM menu)

For STEAM opportunities for MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS, click here (or select FOR MIDDLE SCHOOL STUDENTS from the STEAM menu).

For STEAM opportunities for ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS, click here (or select FOR ELEMENTARY STUDENTS from the STEAM menu).


STEAM NEWS: 35 STEAM Professionals Participate in Murilands Middle School's first annual STEAM Career Day on March 11, 2015.

















On Wednesday, March 11th, Muirlands Middle School welcomed 35 professionals from the community to make presentations in classrooms for STEAM Career Day. Careers represented included Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, Bio-technology, Video Game Design, Hydrology, Medicine, Animal Behavior, Architecture, Physical Therapy, Nuclear Fusion, Bio-chemistry and Molecular Biology, Art, Design, and Marketing, Marine Biology, and more!  Each student heard from 3 presenters about the content of their work, the academic path it requires and how their work relates to the world, and were give the opportunity to ask questions. This outstanding representation of 21st century careers allowed students to consider, and potentially broaden their own future paths.  

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